Intermission: on infinity and time
March 11th, 2013
The past passes (retreats) and the future delays its coming. The present thus expands approaching void. Here is the point where infinity strikes. Being unexplainable in forms of time, it bends, breaks and retracts it. The past, future and present are merely the result of this strike. Depending on the strength (for infinities vary in their powers) of it, we have times, or epochs, as one or another epoch lasts for certain amount of time. The time of epoch constitutes the time it took for it to gather the effects of a strike.
As there many infinities, it is almost inevitable that epochs overlap and contain things or ideas from other and quite heterogeneous epochs.
Every strike of infinity results in certain destruction, which makes possible for new epoch come to pass. Since there is no origin or end of infinity, every epoch starts in a place of some other – thus destruction is necessary.
The time that passes between strikes of infinities is history. It lasts and extends exactly to the farthest points of past and future that were created during the moment of particular strike. History is thus always of a present and is simultaneously being constructed from the past and the future, both of which are moving beyond the grasp of history according to the arrow of their respective vectors.
The presence of the present does not exist, for it is an exact point of the infinite strike. The longer it takes for another strike to happen, the more extended the present becomes (the richer the history of the epoch), as mentioned, approaching void, or, as we shall see in subsequent intermission, absolute space.
While all of this is clear, it is not decided whether each epoch lasts enough to construct the history of its time: mainly, the origin from infinity and what that entails. Having that in mind, I can’t conclude without a doubt whether this intermission is correct (or true enough).
To sum:
1) Time is a retroaction of infinite strike that happens in the void of presence.
2) Past and future moves farther away from the present as present expands after being infinitely contracted during the moment of a strike.
3) History is (a record of) time passing between the strikes.
4) Every history also includes an epoch, as a specific form of its relation to infinite strike.
5) All histories thus are different but not without points of convergence, overlapping, be it as contingent and accidental as they may.
The remainder:
The possibility that strikes of infinity are so dense that it would make talk of time, histories or epochs futile is probable, though improvable, as to do that would entail thinking and being infinity as such.
And, as infinities are many and discontinous, we would not form an idea of strikes of infinity.
P.S. There is a possibility that different infinities account for different categories or forms of experience.
But to be experienced, to be known to exist, every infinity would need to interact with another one – and precisely that moment of interaction would be a place and space of that happening. So time could become a category only because of there being and it having come into contact with another infinity, which, for its own part, would yield another category, for example – space.
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