Light piece Nr.1
November 15th, 2012
I took her on a bike, down to the capital city. Rather – we took us. Running from some random party in a small town, where we just met. Our eyes met. Our hearts. Or mine, at least.
I took her on a bike down the streets of Vilnius. The bridges, river running under.
She would get lost, at times. I would find her, oblivious, in pubs and casinos. And take her back. Back into the night of the luminous city.
I’d take her in my palm, the size and weight of a dead squirrel, and walk her, holding carefully, on the banks of Neris. Waiting till she wakes up. And kiss her.
I don’t know why, but I told her: if we ever were to break up, I will jump from this bridge.
To which she said: stupid you, why you say that? You should say you’d wait till we meet some time later and do all this again.
I looked into her eyes and the light came. Everything was ruined, again.
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